Changing the Ground

Changing the Game

Achieve Superior Crop Performance with Fluid Growth Solutions Activated Carbon Fertilizer Technology 

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FGS Offers a Highly Refined, Multi-Functional Fertility Program

Created with farmers' needs in mind

We develop and customize soil fertility systems to improve efficiencies and returns, always keeping the farmer and their ground at the forefront.

FGS Carbon replicates the natural process of Organic Matter production with high levels of Activated Carbon

With a proven success rate, FGS Activated Carbon fertilizer technology improves nutrient absorption and absorption.

Saving the farmer time and money.

We streamline the path from factory to farm while providing a high-tech, completely customizable solution.

The Proof is in the Results

"The proof is in the pudding."

Niel and Blake Culp, Marvel, AR

“Our crops feel like they respond to everything better.”

Brian Chastain, B. Chastain Farms

The FGS Activated Carbon Complex is Revolutionary and the Superior Fertility Investment for the New Age Farmer

Let Fluid Growth Solutions show you a new way of doing things. Not only do we promise increased productivity, but we promise to increase plant population, health, and yield.

Learn How

FGS Activated Carbon Complex Solutions are Stand Alone Systems.

With a proven success rate, it's exactly what you need to take your crop cultivation to the next level. We are the industry leading experts in soil and plant fertilization.

Improving Crop Quality

One farm at a time.

After years of research, we have found that most soil is lacking essential organic matter and can be detrimental to your soil's health which in turn affects crop quality and your farm's bottom line.

We have a solution. Our truly unique approach to improving soil health is centered around an Active Carbon Complex which has been proven to gain higher yields and increase profitability of farmland.

Through years of research development and authentic farm trials, we have developed a system which is the superior option for soil and plant fertilization. Due to today's intensive farming practices, most soils are lacking an organic matter.


Cultivate Better Soil & Gain Higher Yields

Contact us today for more information on how to improve and boost your plant's health.
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